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Friday, September 3, 2010

What are Effective Presentation Skills?

What are Effective Presentation Skills?

Have your presentation skills ever let you down in the past?

Have you ever avoided giving a presentation at work?

Might you be more successful at work if you were a better and more effective presenter?

The good news is that Effective Presentation Skills can be developed by almost anyone with the right training.

But what are Effective Presentation Skills? And how do you develop them?

Just be yourself?
Great presenters often look as if they are “naturals” and relaxed when presenting.

So does that mean you “just need to relax and be yourself” the next time you are getting ready to present at work?  Or can this often be somewhat misguided advice?

The reality is that most people are already ”just being themselves” when they present.

And the sad fact for some, (especially those that have not had any training) is that they are also so far outside of their comfort zones they appear to their audience as ”unnatural” as a duck out of water!

So unless you’re already a good communicator – think first about developing your presentation skills rather than just trying to relax and be yourself.

You can develop the skills to present effectively
And with the right training and coaching, you really can develop the skills and confidence needed to deliver an effective presentation.

By building on what already works well with your personality; developing new skills and an increased confidence; and of course, removing the bad old “natural” habits that messed up your presentations in the past, you can be well on your way to looking like a ”natural” when you present.

And as a result, start to realise your potential and present effectively.

So what skills makes an effective presentation?
Here’s a list of just some of the key things that make an effective presentation …

What the presenter has to say …

is well researched
has a good structure
is clear, concise and easily understood
is pitched at the right level for the audience
uses visual aids wisely
How the presenter delivers it …

creates an immediate and positive impression
engages well with the audience
speaks clearly, confidently and with conviction
Deals effectively with questions
comes across as a relaxed and “natural” presenter
The impact on the audience …

They feel the experience worth while
They believe in what is being said
They want to respond positively
The presentation is remembered and acted on afterwards
What other effective presentation skills would you suggest?
You’ve probably witnessed many presentations at work.  Some good, some probably bad!

What did you like about the good ones?  What made them memorable?

Let’s know your experiences below:-

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